Vulcan Studios' Monthly Challenges

Berserk Leaderboard

Berserk XP Target - 200 XP

RANK PLAYER Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan

Vulcan's Creed Leaderboard

Vulcan’s Creed XP Target - 60 XP

RANK PLAYER Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan

Hexenagos Leaderboard

HeXenagos XP Target - 600 XP

RANK PLAYER Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan

Tower Defense Leaderboard

Vulcan’s Tower Defense XP Target - 50 XP

RANK PLAYER Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan

Vulcan Runner Leaderboard

Vulcan Runner XP Target - 25 XP

RANK PLAYER Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan

Tartarus Leaderboard

Tartarus XP Target - 25 XP

RANK PLAYER Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan

Vulcan Studios' Monthly Challenges

Starting February 1, 2024 and for the next six months, play your favourite Vulcan Studios game for a chance to win BIG. We are talking about 4000 PYR in total to share!

How does it work?

You do what you do best: play your favourite games. We’ve put together two ways for you to win.

The Casuals (Monthly Challenges)

At the end of each month, we’ll check who has met the monthly target for each game. If you meet the target for a game, you get a raffle ticket. All raffle tickets will go into a big monthly Vulcan Studios pool and we’ll randomly select 10 players to win an equal share of 250 PYR monthly.

This gives a chance to everyone to qualify and win a pool worth 1,500 PYR in total.

The ‘Grinders’ (Half-Yearly Challenges)

These are the top players. The ones who will take the time and be dedicated to claiming top spots. For them, we have a simple half-yearly challenge. Make it to the Top 10 (based on XP earned) for a game and you get a raffle ticket for the big draw at the end of the six months. You could accumulate up to six raffle tickets per game (as long as you make it to the top 10). Keep accumulating raffle tickets in the games you love and enter more raffles. Make sure it’s done fairly and in respect of the terms and our community. Come August 2024, we’ll select one player to win 200 PYR per game. We also have four runner-ups prizes (2 x 50 PYR and 2 x 25 PYR).


We will be looking at adding new challenges and rewards here and there during the promotional period but we need a bit more time to get it right. We’ll also try offering additional prizes from time to time (a new NFT for example).

You can review the selected games and get the links to download these on our Vulcan Studios page.

Get Ready. Set. Forge on!

Note: Please be aware that the leaderboards are refreshed about once every hour. As such, there might be a slight delay between your gameplay and the time the XP are reflected on the leaderboards.

Terms & Conditions


How long is this campaign lasting for?

For the monthly challenges, the campaign starts on the first day (00:00:01 UTC) until the last day of the month (23:59:59 UTC).

For the half-yearly challenges, it starts from February 1st, 2024 (00:00:01 UTC) until July 31st, 2024 (23:59:59 UTC)

How do I win?

For the monthly challenges, you simply have to reach the target in the game(s) you love. Once you meet that target (can be readjusted monthly), you get a raffle ticket. You can get up to seven raffle tickets each month (as long as you meet the target for each game).

For the half-yearly challenges, you simply have to play a game or several games of your choice, earn as much XP as possible, and make it to Top-10. The top 10 players each month will secure a raffle ticket for that game that will count toward a random draw in August. You could technically accumulate up to 6 raffle tickets per game.

What games have you selected?

We have selected Berserk, HeXenagos, Vulcan’s Tower Defense, Vulcan Runner, Tartarus, and Vulcan’s Creed. While we considered other games in the Vulcan Forged ecosystem, we decided to focus on these six games this time.

Can I play on any devices?

Yes, it doesn’t matter which device you decide to use as long as you are logged into your My Forge account.

What about My Forge?

You absolutely need to be logged into your My Forge account when playing any of the games selected for this Olympiad. If you play a game and earn XP without being logged into your My Forge account, these XP won’t be counted, and we won’t be able to retroactively add them.

Where can I download the games?

We recommend heading to for all the links to download the games on PC, Android, or Apple devices (availability may vary depending on the game played).

Do I need to have the latest version of a game to be eligible?

Yes, we recommend you update your game.

Why not choose winners based on XP earned for the monthly challenges (ie: top spot)?

We realize that we have a wide variety of gamers. Some are grinders and on top of their games while others are more casual. To give everyone a chance in the monthly structure, we have calculated what we feel is fair and achievable XP targets to earn a raffle entry and give most a chance to win.

If I am a lucky winner on one month, can I win the following month?

Yes, since it’s a randomized draw, we are not restricting or removing entries, so you could win two months in a row.

Why not choose the top winner based on XP earned for the half-yearly challenges (ie: top spot)?

We have listen to the insightful feedback from our community and wanted to implement something that is fair and fun. The idea of selecting a winner based on XP accumulated for six months raised health concerns. It also raised a valid point of keeping ALL our players as motivated as possible to win while keeping the rules fun. As such, we have opted for the raffle option based on the top 10 players each month. Each of these 10 players (as long as XP have been earned fairly) get a raffle ticket for the end of campaign draw. We have decided to go for the top 10 to reduce pressure and keep this campaign fun.

If I get a/several raffle ticket(s) for a game, can I also get tickets for another game?

Yes, if you feel like you can make it to top-10 in more than one game, go for it. Just don’t forget to keep things fun.

What happens if I win the big prize for one game, can I win the big prize for another game?

No, we want to give everyone a chance to win so if you are selected as the big winner in one game, you will not be eligible to win a big prize in another game. However, you will be eligible for a runner-up prize.

What are the weekly prizes?

We are creating a sub-structure to the big Olympiad. The principle is the same. Earn as many XP for a game and take the top spot. As such, we are adding an additional 12 top prizes (1 per game per week) and 24 runner-up prizes.

Why didn’t you do a big total of all XP earned across all the games to select a big winner?

We identified this as a possibility, but some games do tend to provide the opportunity to earn more XP than others. As such, it could have skewed the result. We’ll look at weighting moving forward as a solution for this idea for other campaigns.

If I win (or take the top 2 or top 3 spots) one week, can I win the following week?

Yes, we are not restricting or removing entries, so you could take the top spot two weeks in a row.

Same question but with the big Olympiad vs the weekly Olympiad?

Same answer. You can win one or two of the weekly Olympiads and potentially also win the Big Olympiad for a specific game. It’s all about your commitment to take and keep your top spot.

If I take the top spot as per the website and leaderboard, does it guarantee me to win?

Yes and no. We do expect all players to play fairly and respect the rules of the game. If we identify suspicious behavior (i.e., colluding or fixing games), we will disqualify the player and their ranking. This Olympiad is supposed to be fun. Keep it fun!

Will the extra XP I earn with my Berserk Pass be counted as part of the total XP for the Berserk leaderboard?

Yes, they will. If you are committed to earn as much XP for Berserk, you can use a Berserk Pass and get 10% extra XP. ;-)

I just played a game and I’m not seeing the XP I earned on the leaderboard, what is happening?

Our system refreshes about once every hour so there might be a slight delay between your gameplay and the time it’s being displayed. Rest assured we are counting all XP earned

What is this raffle thing?

We assume some players are just really good at some games and will have a competitive advantage to take the top spots. While we can’t remove the fact that they will indeed earn a lot more XP and more entries to the raffle, we are giving an opportunity to everyone to have a chance to win. The more you play and the more XP you earn, the more entries you will collect for 2 weekly draws.

For the monthly raffle, is it a raffle per game or something else?

For the raffle, it is a unique monthly Vulcan Studios raffle regrouping all the entries from all qualified entries in all of our games.

For the half-yearly campaign, is it a raffle per game or something else?

For the half-yearly campaign, it is a raffle per game so there will be seven players sacred in August.

How do I get raffle entries for the monthly challenges?

We have calculated what we feel is a fair XP target for each game. Once you earn more than the required XP for a game, you get an entry for the monthly raffle.

How do I get raffle entries for the monthly challenges?

We will shortlist the top 10 players and attribute a raffle ticket to each of these players.

If I get randomly selected twice in the raffle, do I win two prizes?

No, in this case, if we randomly draw a player twice during the raffle, the second pick will be disqualified, and we’ll randomly pick another entry. This is to ensure everyone gets a chance to win.

When will I know if I win?

Technically, the leaderboard should tell you if you have won or not, but we will audit for suspicious behavior before announcing the official results. We will also need a bit more time to sort through the entries and randomly select the raffle winners.

How will you distribute all the prizes?

Moving forward, we are distributing all prizes on-chain. That means your PYR and/or ELY (if you are a winner) will be distributed to the MetaMask wallet linked to your My Forge account.

Anything else?

This FAQ is provided with the intention to provide some key information. Please refer to the Terms & Conditions for specific details.

VulcanVerse Leaderboard

VulcanVerse XP Target - 8,500 XP

RANK PLAYER Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan

Vulcan Royale Leaderboard

Vulcan Royale XP Target - 25 XP

RANK PLAYER Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan